2024 Primary Lesson Schedule: A Guide for Latter-day Saints

2024 Primary Lesson Schedule: A Guide for Latter-day Saints

The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule is a comprehensive guide for Latter-day Saints who wish to teach and learn the gospel of Jesus Christ in their primary organization meetings. This schedule provides a structured plan for studying the scriptures, discussing gospel principles, and participating in faith-promoting activities throughout the year.

The Primary organization is a vital part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, catering to children between the ages of 18 months and 11 years. This organization aims to help children develop a foundation of faith in Jesus Christ, learn gospel principles and values, and apply them in their daily lives. The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule serves as a valuable resource for parents, teachers, and leaders in fulfilling this important mission.

The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule is organized into four quarters, each with a distinct theme. Each quarter includes a variety of lessons that focus on different aspects of the gospel, such as the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the scriptures, and the Articles of Faith. The schedule also provides suggestions for activities, songs, and other resources to help teachers create engaging and interactive learning experiences for children.

2024 Primary Lesson Schedule

Comprehensive guide for Latter-day Saints.

  • Structured plan for gospel study.
  • Covers scriptures, principles, and activities.
  • Four quarters with distinct themes.
  • Variety of lessons and resources.
  • Engaging and interactive learning experiences.
  • Suitable for children ages 18 months to 11 years.
  • Helps children develop faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Promotes gospel learning and application.
  • Strengthens families and communities.

The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule is a valuable tool for parents, teachers, and leaders in the Primary organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Structured plan for gospel study.

The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule provides a structured plan for gospel study, ensuring that children in the Primary organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints receive a comprehensive understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Covers Key Gospel Topics:

    The schedule includes a wide range of lessons that cover essential gospel topics, such as the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the scriptures, the Articles of Faith, and other fundamental doctrines and principles.

  • Sequential Learning:

    The lessons are organized in a sequential manner, allowing children to build upon their knowledge and understanding of the gospel as they progress through the year.

  • Variety of Resources:

    The schedule provides a variety of resources to support gospel learning, including scripture references, discussion questions, activities, songs, and visual aids.

  • Adaptable to Different Settings:

    The schedule is designed to be adaptable to different settings, whether it’s a traditional classroom, a home-based setting, or a virtual learning environment.

The structured plan for gospel study in the 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule helps children develop a strong foundation of gospel knowledge, foster a love for learning, and ultimately come closer to Jesus Christ.

Covers scriptures, principles, and activities.

The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule places a strong emphasis on covering scriptures, principles, and activities to provide a well-rounded gospel learning experience for children.

The schedule includes a variety of lessons that focus on specific scripture passages from the Bible, the Book of Mormon, and other standard works of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Children learn to understand the scriptures, identify key teachings, and apply them in their daily lives.

The lessons also delve into gospel principles, such as faith, repentance, obedience, and love. Children learn about these principles through stories, discussions, and activities, helping them to develop a deeper understanding of how the gospel can guide their thoughts, feelings, and actions.

The schedule incorporates a variety of activities to make learning engaging and interactive for children. These activities may include singing songs, playing games, doing crafts, and participating in object lessons. Activities help children to reinforce their understanding of gospel principles and make the learning experience more enjoyable.

By covering scriptures, principles, and activities, the 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule provides a comprehensive approach to gospel learning that helps children develop a strong foundation of faith and a love for the Savior Jesus Christ.

The schedule also encourages teachers to adapt the lessons to meet the needs and interests of their individual classes, ensuring that each child has a meaningful and enriching learning experience.

Four quarters with distinct themes.

The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule is divided into four quarters, each with a distinct theme that guides the lessons and activities throughout the quarter.

  • Quarter 1: Jesus Christ, Our Savior and Redeemer:

    This quarter focuses on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, emphasizing His role as our Savior and Redeemer. Children learn about His birth, ministry, Atonement, and Resurrection.

  • Quarter 2: Our Heavenly Father’s Plan:

    This quarter explores God’s plan of salvation, including the Creation, the Fall of Adam and Eve, and the purpose of our mortal existence. Children learn about the importance of following God’s plan and making righteous choices.

  • Quarter 3: The Restoration of the Gospel:

    This quarter teaches about the Restoration of the gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith. Children learn about key events like the First Vision, the translation of the Book of Mormon, and the organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

  • Quarter 4: Living the Gospel:

    This quarter focuses on applying gospel principles in our daily lives. Children learn about topics such as prayer, scripture study, obedience, and service. They are encouraged to live the gospel with joy and to share it with others.

The distinct themes of each quarter help children to see the big picture of the gospel and to understand how different aspects of it are interconnected. This approach also keeps the learning experience fresh and engaging throughout the year.

Variety of lessons and resources.

The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule offers a wide variety of lessons and resources to support gospel learning and teaching in the Primary organization.

Variety of Lessons:
The schedule includes a diverse range of lessons that cater to different learning styles and interests. There are lessons that focus on storytelling, discussions, activities, crafts, and music. This variety ensures that children remain engaged and interested throughout the year.

Scriptures and Stories:
Many lessons are centered around scripture stories and accounts from Church history. These stories bring the gospel to life and help children to visualize and understand the teachings of Jesus Christ and other prophets.

Visual Aids and Activities:
The schedule provides a variety of visual aids and activities to enhance learning and make the lessons more interactive. These may include pictures, charts, games, and object lessons. Activities help children to apply gospel principles in practical ways and to remember the lessons they have learned.

Songs and Music:
Music plays an important role in Primary, and the schedule includes a collection of uplifting and inspiring songs. Singing songs helps children to learn gospel truths, express their feelings, and worship Heavenly Father.

The variety of lessons and resources in the 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule ensures that gospel learning is engaging, enjoyable, and meaningful for children of all ages.

Engaging and interactive learning experiences.

The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule emphasizes the importance of creating engaging and interactive learning experiences for children in the Primary organization.

  • Variety of Teaching Methods:

    Teachers are encouraged to use a variety of teaching methods to keep children engaged and interested. This may include storytelling, discussions, activities, crafts, and music.

  • Active Participation:

    Lessons are designed to promote active participation from children. They are encouraged to ask questions, share their thoughts, and participate in activities that help them to understand and apply gospel principles.

  • Visual and Auditory Aids:

    Teachers use visual and auditory aids to make lessons more engaging and memorable. This may include pictures, charts, videos, and music.

  • Real-World Connections:

    Teachers help children to make connections between gospel principles and their everyday lives. They encourage children to think about how they can apply these principles in their families, at school, and in their communities.

By creating engaging and interactive learning experiences, the 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule helps children to develop a love for learning the gospel and to see its relevance in their lives.

Suitable for children ages 18 months to 11 years.

The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule is designed to be suitable for children ranging in age from 18 months to 11 years. This ensures that all children in the Primary organization can participate in meaningful and engaging gospel learning experiences.

Nursery Classes (18 months – 3 years):
Nursery classes are designed for the youngest children in Primary. Lessons focus on simple gospel truths, such as Heavenly Father’s love, Jesus Christ’s birth, and the importance of prayer. Activities are hands-on and interactive, and they help children to develop their social and cognitive skills.

Sunbeam Classes (4-5 years):
Sunbeam classes cater to children who are 4 and 5 years old. Lessons are more structured and include stories, discussions, and activities. Children learn about basic gospel principles, such as faith, repentance, and obedience. They also begin to learn about the scriptures and the history of the Church.

Primary Classes (6-11 years):
Primary classes are for children between the ages of 6 and 11. Lessons cover a wide range of gospel topics, including the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, the scriptures, the Articles of Faith, and Church history. Children participate in a variety of activities, including scripture study, discussions, crafts, and music. They also have opportunities to serve others and to share their testimonies.

By providing age-appropriate lessons and activities, the 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule helps children to develop a strong foundation of gospel knowledge and to grow in their love for Jesus Christ.

Helps children develop faith in Jesus Christ.

The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule is designed to help children develop a strong faith in Jesus Christ. This is accomplished through a variety of methods:

Teaching about Jesus Christ:
Throughout the year, children learn about the life, teachings, and Atonement of Jesus Christ. They learn about His perfect example, His love for all people, and His power to overcome sin and death. This knowledge helps children to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to trust in His promises.

Encouraging Personal Prayer and Scripture Study:
Children are encouraged to pray and study the scriptures regularly. As they do so, they come to know Jesus Christ better and to feel His love. They also learn to rely on Him for guidance and strength in their lives.

Providing Opportunities for Testimony and Service:
Children have opportunities to share their testimonies and to serve others. As they do so, they grow in their faith and come to understand that they are part of something bigger than themselves. They also learn that they can make a difference in the world by following Jesus Christ.

Creating a Nurturing Environment:
Primary leaders and teachers strive to create a nurturing environment where children feel loved, accepted, and safe. In this environment, children are more likely to open their hearts to the teachings of Jesus Christ and to experience His love.

By helping children to develop faith in Jesus Christ, the 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule prepares them to face the challenges of life and to live with joy and purpose.

Promotes gospel learning and application.

The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule is designed to promote both gospel learning and application. This means that children not only learn about gospel principles, but they also have opportunities to put these principles into practice in their daily lives.

Practical Activities and Applications:
Many of the lessons in the schedule include practical activities and applications that help children to understand and apply gospel principles. For example, children may participate in activities that teach them how to pray, how to be kind to others, or how to overcome temptation. They may also have opportunities to serve others in their communities.

Real-World Connections:
Teachers help children to make connections between gospel principles and their everyday lives. They encourage children to think about how they can apply these principles in their families, at school, and in their communities. This helps children to see the relevance of the gospel in their lives and to live it more fully.

Encouraging Personal Testimony and Righteous Living:
Children are encouraged to share their testimonies and to live righteously. As they do so, they grow in their understanding of the gospel and in their ability to apply it in their lives. They also become examples to others and help to create a more Christ-centered environment in their homes, schools, and communities.

By promoting gospel learning and application, the 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule helps children to develop a strong foundation of faith in Jesus Christ and to live happy, fulfilling lives.

Strengthens families and communities.

The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule is designed to strengthen families and communities in a number of ways:

  • Teaches Gospel Principles that Promote Strong Families:

    The lessons in the schedule teach children about gospel principles that are essential for strong families, such as love, respect, forgiveness, and service. Children learn how to apply these principles in their relationships with their parents, siblings, and other family members.

  • Encourages Family Gospel Study and Prayer:

    The schedule encourages families to study the gospel and pray together. This helps to create a strong spiritual foundation for the family and to strengthen the bonds between family members.

  • Provides Opportunities for Family Service:

    Children are encouraged to serve others in their families and communities. This helps them to develop a sense of compassion and to learn the joy of giving.

  • Creates a Sense of Community:

    The Primary organization provides a sense of community for children and their families. Children learn to work together, to support each other, and to celebrate each other’s successes. This helps to create a positive and nurturing environment for all.

By strengthening families and communities, the 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule helps to create a better world for all.


The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule is designed to help children and families learn and live the gospel of Jesus Christ. Here are some frequently asked questions about the schedule:

Question 1: What is the 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule?
Answer: The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule is a comprehensive guide that provides a structured plan for gospel study and teaching in the Primary organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Question 2: Who is the 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule for?
Answer: The schedule is designed for children between the ages of 18 months and 11 years who attend Primary.

Question 3: What does the 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule include?
Answer: The schedule includes a variety of lessons, activities, songs, and resources to help children learn about gospel topics, develop faith in Jesus Christ, and apply gospel principles in their lives.

Question 4: How is the 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule organized?
Answer: The schedule is divided into four quarters, each with a distinct theme. Each quarter includes a variety of lessons that focus on different aspects of the gospel.

Question 5: How can parents and teachers use the 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule?
Answer: Parents and teachers can use the schedule to plan and deliver engaging and meaningful gospel lessons to children. The schedule provides guidance on how to adapt the lessons to meet the needs of individual children and classes.

Question 6: Where can I find the 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule?
Answer: The schedule is available in print and digital formats. It can be found on the Church’s official website and in local meetinghouses.

Question 7: How can I get involved in Primary?
Answer: Parents and other interested adults are encouraged to participate in Primary by serving as teachers, leaders, or helpers. Contact your local Primary presidency for more information.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ: The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule is a valuable resource for parents, teachers, and leaders in the Primary organization. It provides a structured plan for gospel study and teaching that helps children develop a strong foundation of faith in Jesus Christ and to live happy, fulfilling lives.

In addition to the 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule, there are a number of tips and resources available to help parents and teachers create a positive and enriching Primary experience for children.


Here are a few practical tips for parents and teachers to help make the 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule a success:

Tip 1: Create a Welcoming and Nurturing Environment:
Children learn best in an environment where they feel loved, accepted, and safe. Strive to create a classroom or home environment where children feel comfortable asking questions, sharing their thoughts, and participating in activities.

Tip 2: Be Prepared and Organized:
Take time to carefully review the lesson materials and prepare any necessary visuals, handouts, or activities in advance. Being well-prepared will help you to deliver the lesson confidently and effectively.

Tip 3: Encourage Active Participation:
Children learn best when they are actively involved in the learning process. Encourage children to participate in discussions, activities, and role-playing exercises. You can also ask them questions to help them think more deeply about the gospel principles being taught.

Tip 4: Make it Fun and Engaging:
Children are more likely to remember and apply gospel principles when they are taught in a fun and engaging way. Incorporate a variety of activities, games, and songs into your lessons to keep children interested and motivated.

Closing Paragraph for Tips: By following these tips, parents and teachers can help children to have a positive and enriching experience with the 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule. As children learn and apply gospel principles, they will grow in their faith in Jesus Christ and become better disciples.

The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule is a valuable resource for teaching and learning the gospel of Jesus Christ. By following the tips above, parents and teachers can help children to have a meaningful and enjoyable experience with the schedule.


The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule is a comprehensive guide for teaching and learning the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Primary organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It provides a structured plan for studying the scriptures, discussing gospel principles, and participating in faith-promoting activities throughout the year.

The schedule is designed to help children develop a strong foundation of faith in Jesus Christ, learn gospel principles and values, and apply them in their daily lives. It is organized into four quarters, each with a distinct theme, and includes a variety of lessons, activities, songs, and resources to support gospel learning and teaching.

The 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule is a valuable tool for parents, teachers, and leaders in the Primary organization. By following the schedule and the tips provided in this article, they can help children to have a positive and enriching experience with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

As children learn and apply gospel principles, they will grow in their faith, develop Christlike attributes, and become better disciples of Jesus Christ. They will also be prepared to face the challenges of life and to live happy, fulfilling lives.

Closing Message: May the 2024 Primary Lesson Schedule be a blessing to children and families as they seek to learn and live the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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