Baruch Academic Calendar 2024: A Comprehensive Guide for Students and Faculty

Baruch Academic Calendar 2024: A Comprehensive Guide for Students and Faculty

Welcome to the Baruch Academic Calendar 2024! This comprehensive guide provides essential information about important dates, deadlines, and events for the upcoming academic year at Baruch College, City University of New York. Whether you’re a student planning your coursework or a faculty member preparing for the semester, this calendar has everything you need to stay organized and informed.

Baruch College is known for its diverse student body, rigorous academic programs, and commitment to excellence in teaching and research. With its vibrant campus located in the heart of Manhattan, Baruch offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate degrees in various disciplines. The academic calendar is designed to ensure a smooth and productive academic experience for all members of the Baruch community.

In the following sections, we will explore the key features of the Baruch Academic Calendar 2024, including important dates, deadlines, holidays, and registration periods. We will also provide information about academic policies, procedures, and resources available to students and faculty. Whether you’re new to Baruch or a returning student, this guide will help you navigate the academic year with ease and confidence.

Baruch Academic Calendar 2024

Essential dates and deadlines for students and faculty.

  • Start and End Dates: Fall, Spring, Summer semesters
  • Registration Periods: Early, Regular, Late
  • Add/Drop Period: First week of each semester
  • Midterm Exams: Mid-October, Mid-March
  • Final Exams: December, May, August
  • Holidays: Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Winter Break, Spring Break
  • Commencement: June
  • Academic Policies: Grading, Attendance, Academic Integrity

For more detailed information and important dates, please refer to the official Baruch Academic Calendar website.

Start and End Dates: Fall, Spring, Summer semesters

The Baruch Academic Calendar 2024 consists of three main semesters: Fall, Spring, and Summer.

  • Fall Semester:

    Typically begins in late August or early September and ends in mid-December.

  • Spring Semester:

    Usually starts in mid-January and concludes in early May.

  • Summer Semester:

    Comprises two sessions. Session 1 generally runs from early May to mid-June, while Session 2 takes place from late June to mid-August. Some courses may be offered in a condensed format during the summer.

  • Intersession:

    A short term between the Fall and Spring semesters, typically in January, where students can take intensive courses or catch up on coursework.

The start and end dates for each semester may vary slightly from year to year, so it’s important to refer to the official Baruch Academic Calendar for the most accurate information.

Registration Periods: Early, Regular, Late

Baruch College offers multiple registration periods to accommodate students’ needs and schedules.

Early Registration:

Early registration is available to continuing students who have met certain academic requirements. It typically begins in March or April for the Fall semester and in November or December for the Spring semester. Registering early allows students to secure their preferred courses and times, especially for popular or in-demand classes.

Regular Registration:

Regular registration opens after early registration and is available to all students. It usually starts in July for the Fall semester and in January for the Spring semester. Students are encouraged to register during this period to ensure they have a wide selection of courses and times to choose from.

Late Registration:

Late registration is the final opportunity for students to register for classes. It begins a few days before the start of each semester and may involve additional fees. Students should note that some courses may be closed or have limited availability during late registration.


If a course is full, students can add themselves to a waitlist. If a seat becomes available, students will be notified and allowed to register for the course. Waitlists are managed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Students should consult the Baruch Academic Calendar and the Registrar’s Office website for specific dates and deadlines related to registration periods.

Add/Drop Period: First week of each semester

The add/drop period is a crucial time in each semester when students can make changes to their course schedules.

Adding Courses:

During the add period, students can add courses to their schedules if they have the necessary prerequisites and if space is available. Adding a course means enrolling in it and committing to attending classes and completing the coursework.

Dropping Courses:

Students can also drop courses during the drop period without penalty. Dropping a course means withdrawing from it and no longer being responsible for attending classes or completing the coursework. Dropped courses will not appear on a student’s academic transcript.

Important Considerations:

Students should carefully consider their course selections before adding or dropping courses. Adding too many courses can lead to a heavy workload and potential burnout, while dropping too many courses may delay graduation. Students should also be aware of the financial implications of adding or dropping courses, as it may affect their tuition fees.


The add/drop period typically lasts for the first week of each semester. However, there may be specific deadlines for adding or dropping courses, which vary depending on the course and the instructor. Students should refer to the Baruch Academic Calendar and course syllabi for exact deadlines.

Students are encouraged to meet with their academic advisors or consult the Registrar’s Office for guidance on course selection and add/drop procedures.

Midterm Exams: Mid-October, Mid-March

Midterm exams are assessments conducted in the middle of each semester to evaluate students’ progress and understanding of the course material.


Midterm exams are typically held during the sixth or seventh week of the Fall and Spring semesters. The exact dates and times of midterm exams are determined by the course instructors and communicated to students well in advance.

Format and Content:

The format and content of midterm exams vary depending on the course and the instructor. Midterm exams may consist of multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, essays, or a combination of these formats. The exam content covers the material taught during the first half of the semester.

Purpose and Importance:

Midterm exams serve several purposes. They provide students with feedback on their learning and help them identify areas where they need improvement. Midterm exams also allow instructors to assess the effectiveness of their teaching and make adjustments if necessary.


Students should begin preparing for midterm exams well in advance. This includes reviewing lecture notes, textbooks, and any other course materials. Students should also practice answering exam-style questions and attend review sessions offered by instructors or teaching assistants.

Midterm exams are an important part of the academic calendar and contribute to a student’s final grade in a course. Students are encouraged to take midterm exams seriously and to use them as an opportunity to reflect on their learning and make improvements.

Final Exams: December, May, August

Final exams are comprehensive assessments conducted at the end of each semester to evaluate students’ overall learning and understanding of the course material.

  • Scheduling:

    Final exams are typically held during the last week of the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters. The exact dates and times of final exams are determined by the course instructors and communicated to students well in advance.

  • Format and Content:

    The format and content of final exams vary depending on the course and the instructor. Final exams may consist of multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, essays, or a combination of these formats. The exam content covers the material taught throughout the entire semester.

  • Purpose and Importance:

    Final exams serve as a culmination of the learning that has taken place during the semester. They provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate their mastery of the course material and contribute significantly to their final grades.

  • Preparation:

    Students should begin preparing for final exams well in advance. This includes reviewing lecture notes, textbooks, and any other course materials. Students should also practice answering exam-style questions and attend review sessions offered by instructors or teaching assistants.

Final exams are an important part of the academic calendar and contribute a significant portion to a student’s final grade in a course. Students are encouraged to take final exams seriously and to use them as an opportunity to reflect on their learning and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the course material.

Holidays: Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Winter Break, Spring Break

Baruch College recognizes several holidays throughout the academic year, providing students and faculty with breaks from classes and an opportunity to rest and recharge.

  • Labor Day:

    Labor Day is a federal holiday observed on the first Monday in September. Baruch College is closed on this day, and no classes are held.

  • Thanksgiving Break:

    Thanksgiving Break is a week-long holiday typically starting on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day, which falls on the fourth Thursday in November. Classes are not held during this break, allowing students and faculty to travel and celebrate with their families and friends.

  • Winter Break:

    Winter Break is the longest break of the academic year, typically lasting for two weeks between the Fall and Spring semesters. Classes are not held during this break, and many students travel or engage in holiday activities.

  • Spring Break:

    Spring Break is a one-week break that typically occurs in March or April. Classes are not held during this break, providing students with an opportunity to relax, catch up on studies, or travel.

The exact dates of these holidays may vary slightly from year to year, so it’s important to refer to the official Baruch Academic Calendar for the most accurate information.

Commencement: June

Commencement is a ั‚ะพั€ะถะตัั‚ะฒะตะฝะฝั‹ะน ceremony held at the end of the academic year to celebrate the achievements of graduating students and confer degrees.

  • Date and Location:

    Commencement typically takes place in early June at a venue that can accommodate the large number of graduates and their guests. The exact date and location of Commencement are announced well in advance and can be found on the Baruch College website.

  • Eligibility:

    Students who have successfully completed all the requirements for their degree are eligible to participate in Commencement. This includes completing the required coursework, maintaining a satisfactory grade point average, and fulfilling any other academic obligations.

  • Ceremony:

    The Commencement ceremony typically includes a processional, welcome remarks, speeches by university officials and distinguished guests, the conferring of degrees, and a recessional. Graduates wear academic regalia, including caps and gowns, and receive their diplomas or certificates during the ceremony.

  • Celebration:

    Commencement is a joyous occasion for graduates, their families, and friends. It marks the culmination of years of hard work and dedication and is a time to celebrate the achievements of the graduating class.

Commencement is a significant milestone in the lives of Baruch College graduates. It is a day to reflect on their accomplishments and to look forward to the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

Academic Policies: Grading, Attendance, Academic Integrity

Baruch College has established academic policies to ensure the integrity and quality of its academic programs and to promote a fair and supportive learning environment for all students.

  • Grading:

    Baruch College uses a letter grading system to evaluate student performance. Grades are typically assigned based on a combination of factors, such as exams, quizzes, assignments, class participation, and attendance. The grading scale ranges from A (highest) to F (lowest), with intermediate grades of B, C, and D. Students can access their grades through the college’s online portal.

  • Attendance:

    Regular attendance is expected of all students in Baruch College courses. Attendance policies may vary by course and instructor, but generally, students are expected to attend all scheduled class sessions. Excessive absences may result in a lower grade or even failure of the course. Instructors are required to take attendance and may provide a grace period for excused absences.

  • Academic Integrity:

    Baruch College is committed to maintaining a high standard of academic integrity. Academic integrity means that students are expected to produce their own original work and to avoid any form of academic dishonesty, such as plagiarism, cheating, and fabrication of data. Violations of academic integrity are taken very seriously and may result in severe penalties, including failing grades, suspension, or even expulsion.

Students are expected to familiarize themselves with Baruch College’s academic policies and to adhere to them throughout their studies. These policies are in place to ensure a fair and equitable learning environment for all students and to uphold the integrity of the college’s academic programs.


Got questions about the Baruch Academic Calendar 2024?
Check out these frequently asked questions and answers for quick information.

Question 1: When does the Fall semester 2024 start and end?
Answer: The Fall semester 2024 typically begins in late August or early September and concludes in mid-December. Please refer to the official academic calendar for the exact dates.

Question 2: What are the registration periods for the 2024 semesters?
Answer: Baruch College offers early, regular, and late registration periods for each semester. Early registration typically begins in March or April for the Fall semester and in November or December for the Spring semester. Regular registration follows early registration, and late registration is the final opportunity to register for classes with additional fees.

Question 3: When are midterm exams held?
Answer: Midterm exams are usually conducted during the sixth or seventh week of the Fall and Spring semesters. The exact dates and times are determined by the course instructors and communicated to students well in advance.

Question 4: When is Commencement 2024?
Answer: Commencement for the 2024 academic year is typically held in early June. The exact date and location will be announced closer to the event.

Question 5: What is the grading system at Baruch College?
Answer: Baruch College uses a letter grading system ranging from A (highest) to F (lowest), with intermediate grades of B, C, and D. Grades are typically assigned based on a combination of factors, such as exams, quizzes, assignments, class participation, and attendance.

Question 6: What is the attendance policy at Baruch College?
Answer: Regular attendance is expected of all students. Attendance policies may vary by course and instructor, but generally, students are expected to attend all scheduled class sessions. Excessive absences may result in a lower grade or even failure of the course.

Question 7: What is Baruch College’s policy on academic integrity?
Answer: Baruch College is strongly committed to academic integrity. Students are expected to produce their own original work and to avoid any form of academic dishonesty, such as plagiarism, cheating, and fabrication of data. Violations of academic integrity are taken very seriously and may result in severe penalties, including failing grades, suspension, or even expulsion.

Closing: We hope these FAQs have answered your questions about the Baruch Academic Calendar 2024. For more detailed information, please visit the official Baruch College website or contact the Registrar’s Office.

Now that you have a better understanding of the academic calendar and important dates, check out our tips for making the most of your academic year at Baruch College.


Here are a few practical tips to help you make the most of your academic year at Baruch College in 2024:

Tip 1: Plan Ahead:
Familiarize yourself with the academic calendar and important dates, such as registration periods, add/drop deadlines, midterm exams, and final exams. Plan your course schedule and registration times in advance to avoid conflicts and ensure you get the classes you need.

Tip 2: Utilize Academic Resources:
Baruch College offers a variety of academic resources to support student success. Take advantage of tutoring services, writing centers, math labs, and academic advising. These resources can help you improve your grades and stay on track with your studies.

Tip 3: Get Involved on Campus:
Baruch College has a vibrant campus life with many student clubs, organizations, and activities. Getting involved in extracurricular activities can help you connect with other students, develop new skills, and make your college experience more enjoyable.

Tip 4: Take Care of Yourself:
Remember to take care of your physical and mental well-being. Eat healthy, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Make use of campus resources such as the gym, fitness classes, and counseling services to maintain a healthy lifestyle and reduce stress.

Closing: By following these tips, you can set yourself up for success in the 2024 academic year at Baruch College. Remember to stay organized, utilize available resources, get involved on campus, and take care of your well-being.

With careful planning and a positive attitude, you can make the most of your academic journey at Baruch College and achieve your educational goals.


As we look ahead to the 2024 academic year at Baruch College, it’s important to remember that success begins with planning and preparation. By familiarizing yourself with the academic calendar, important dates, registration procedures, and academic policies, you can navigate your academic journey smoothly and efficiently.

Take advantage of the various academic resources and support services available at Baruch College. Utilize tutoring, writing centers, math labs, and academic advising to enhance your learning and improve your grades. Getting involved in extracurricular activities can also enrich your college experience and help you develop new skills and interests.

Remember to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising regularly. Make use of campus resources such as the gym, fitness classes, and counseling services to support your well-being and reduce stress.

With careful planning, a positive attitude, and a commitment to your studies, you can make the most of the opportunities that await you at Baruch College in 2024. Embrace the challenges, seize the opportunities, and make your college experience a memorable and rewarding one.

Closing Message: We hope this comprehensive guide to the Baruch Academic Calendar 2024 has provided you with all the information you need to plan and navigate your academic year successfully. Remember, the key to success is staying organized, utilizing available resources, getting involved on campus, and taking care of your well-being. We wish you a productive and fulfilling academic year at Baruch College!

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