CCNY Fall 2024 Academic Calendar: Important Dates and Deadlines

CCNY Fall 2024 Academic Calendar: Important Dates and Deadlines

The City College of New York (CCNY) is a public research university located in the heart of New York City. With a rich history dating back to 1847, CCNY has established itself as a premier institution of higher education, offering a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs. As the new academic year approaches, CCNY has released its Fall 2024 Academic Calendar, providing important dates, deadlines, and information for students, faculty, and staff.

This comprehensive guide serves as a roadmap for the upcoming semester, ensuring that the CCNY community remains informed and organized throughout the academic journey. Whether you’re a first-year student embarking on a new chapter or a seasoned scholar continuing your pursuit of knowledge, the Fall 2024 Calendar provides essential details to help you plan and navigate your academic endeavors.

As we delve into the main content of this article, we will explore the key dates and deadlines outlined in the CCNY Fall 2024 Academic Calendar, highlighting important milestones and providing insights into the academic journey that awaits.

CCNY Fall 2024 Calendar

The CCNY Fall 2024 Academic Calendar provides crucial information for students, faculty, and staff. Here are 10 important points to note:

  • Semester Start: Late August 2024
  • Add/Drop Period: First week of classes
  • Midterm Exams: Mid-October 2024
  • Thanksgiving Break: Late November 2024
  • Final Exams: Mid-December 2024
  • Commencement: Early January 2025
  • Registration Opens: April 2024
  • Housing Application Deadline: May 2024
  • Financial Aid Deadline: June 2024
  • International Student Orientation: August 2024

These key dates and deadlines serve as a guide for the CCNY community to plan their academic journey effectively. For more detailed information, please refer to the official CCNY website.

Semester Start: Late August 2024

The CCNY Fall 2024 semester is scheduled to commence in late August 2024. This marks the official beginning of the academic year for undergraduate and graduate students.

  • Move-In Day: For students living on campus, move-in day typically takes place a few days before the start of classes. This is an opportunity for students to settle into their dorms and get acquainted with their new surroundings.
  • Orientation: During the first week of the semester, CCNY organizes orientation sessions for new students. These sessions provide an overview of the university’s academic programs, student services, and campus resources. Students will also have the chance to meet with their academic advisors and register for classes.
  • Class Schedule: Classes for the Fall 2024 semester will begin on the first day of the semester and continue until the final exam period in mid-December. The class schedule will vary depending on the student’s program of study and course selection.
  • Academic Support: Throughout the semester, CCNY offers a range of academic support services to help students succeed in their studies. These services include tutoring, writing centers, and math labs. Students can also seek guidance from their professors and academic advisors.

The start of the semester is an exciting time for students as they embark on a new academic journey. CCNY provides a supportive and engaging learning environment to ensure that all students have the resources and opportunities to thrive.

Add/Drop Period: First week of classes

The add/drop period is a designated timeframe at the beginning of each semester when students can make changes to their course schedule. This period typically lasts for the first week of classes.

  • Adding Courses: During the add/drop period, students can add courses to their schedule if they have the necessary prerequisites and if there are available seats in the course.
  • Dropping Courses: Students can also drop courses from their schedule during this period without penalty. Dropped courses will not appear on the student’s transcript.
  • Changing Sections: If a student wants to change sections of a course (e.g., from a morning section to an afternoon section), they can do so during the add/drop period, subject to availability.
  • Waitlists: If a course is full, students can add themselves to the waitlist. If a seat becomes available, students will be enrolled in the course on a first-come, first-served basis.

The add/drop period allows students to adjust their course schedule to ensure that they are taking the right courses and that their schedule fits their needs and preferences. It is important to note that changes made during the add/drop period may affect a student’s financial aid award, so it is advisable to consult with the financial aid office before making any changes.

Midterm Exams: Mid-October 2024

Midterm exams are an integral part of the academic calendar at CCNY. These exams are typically held in the middle of the semester, around mid-October 2024 for the Fall semester. Midterm exams serve several important purposes:

Assessment of Learning: Midterm exams allow professors to assess students’ understanding of the course material covered up to that point in the semester. This helps students identify areas where they excel and areas where they need improvement.

Feedback and Adjustment: The results of midterm exams provide valuable feedback to both students and professors. Students can use this feedback to adjust their study strategies and improve their performance in the second half of the semester. Professors can also use the feedback to make adjustments to their teaching methods or course content, if necessary.

Preparation for Finals: Midterm exams serve as a practice run for final exams. They help students get accustomed to the format and rigor of exams and allow them to identify areas where they need to focus their studies for the final exam.

Grading and Course Completion: Midterm exam成績contribute to students’ overall grades in their courses. Depending on the course and the professor, midterm exams may account for a significant portion of the final grade. Passing the midterm exam is often a requirement for successfully completing the course.

To prepare for midterm exams, students should attend classes regularly, take comprehensive notes, and complete all assignments on time. They should also create a study schedule and allocate sufficient time to review the course material. Seeking help from professors, teaching assistants, or academic support services is also encouraged to ensure success in midterm exams.

Thanksgiving Break: Late November 2024

Thanksgiving is a major holiday in the United States, and CCNY observes this holiday with a break from classes. The Thanksgiving break for the Fall 2024 semester is scheduled for late November 2024.

  • Holiday Closure: CCNY will be closed on Thanksgiving Day and the day after. During this time, all administrative offices and campus facilities will be closed, and there will be no classes.
  • Travel and Family Time: Many students use the Thanksgiving break to travel home and spend time with their families. It is a time for gathering, feasting, and expressing gratitude.
  • Academic Break: The Thanksgiving break also provides students with a brief respite from their studies. They can use this time to catch up on assignments, study for upcoming exams, or simply relax and recharge before the final stretch of the semester.
  • Campus Events: In the days leading up to Thanksgiving, CCNY may organize special events or activities related to the holiday. These events can include food drives, community service projects, or cultural celebrations.

The Thanksgiving break is a welcome opportunity for students to take a break from their academic routine, spend time with loved ones, and return to their studies refreshed and ready to finish the semester strong.

Final Exams: Mid-December 2024

Final exams are the culminating assessment for each course taken during the semester. They are typically held during a designated exam period at the end of the semester, which for the Fall 2024 semester at CCNY is scheduled for mid-December 2024.

Final exams serve several important purposes:

Assessment of Learning: Final exams allow professors to comprehensively assess students’ understanding of the course material covered throughout the semester. They help determine the students’ final grades and whether they have successfully mastered the course content.

Preparation for Higher Education and Careers: Final exams provide students with an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to synthesize and apply knowledge, critical thinking skills, and problem-solving abilities. These skills are essential for success in higher education and future careers.

Closure and Transition: Final exams mark the end of a semester’s worth of learning and effort. They provide a sense of closure and allow students to move on to the next chapter, whether it be the next semester, graduation, or a new career.

To prepare for final exams, students should attend all classes and review sessions, complete all assignments, and create a comprehensive study schedule. They should also get adequate sleep, eat healthy foods, and manage their stress levels to ensure optimal performance during the exam period.

Final exams can be challenging, but they are also an opportunity for students to showcase their knowledge and skills. By preparing diligently and approaching the exams with confidence, students can successfully complete their courses and move forward in their academic and professional journeys.

Commencement: Early January 2025

Commencement, also known as graduation, is a significant milestone in the academic journey of students. It marks the formal completion of their studies and the conferral of degrees. The CCNY Fall 2024 Commencement ceremony is scheduled for early January 2025.

Commencement is a time of celebration and recognition for students, their families, and the entire CCNY community. It is an opportunity to honor the hard work, dedication, and achievements of the graduating class.

The ceremony typically includes a processional of graduates, speeches by university officials and distinguished guests, the conferral of degrees, and the presentation of graduates to the audience. Graduates wear academic regalia, including caps and gowns, and may receive diplomas or certificates.

Commencement is not only a celebration of academic success but also a symbolic transition into the next chapter of life. Graduates embark on new paths, whether it be pursuing further education, starting a career, or making a difference in their communities.

Commencement is a culmination of years of hard work and dedication, and it is a day that graduates and their loved ones will cherish for years to come.

Registration Opens: April 2024

Course registration is a crucial step in the academic planning process for students. It involves selecting the courses they will take during the upcoming semester.

For the CCNY Fall 2024 semester, registration typically opens in April 2024. This is several months before the start of the semester to allow students ample time to research courses, meet with their academic advisors, and create their class schedules.

The registration process is typically conducted online through CCNY’s student portal. Students can access the portal using their unique login credentials and follow the instructions provided to search for courses, view course descriptions and schedules, and add or drop courses from their schedule.

During the registration period, students should carefully consider their academic goals, prerequisites, and course availability. They should also take into account their personal commitments and time management skills when selecting their courses.

It is important for students to register for classes as early as possible to ensure they get their preferred course selections and avoid potential conflicts or waitlists. Late registration may result in limited course options or difficulty in securing a seat in desired courses.

Housing Application Deadline: May 2024

For students planning to live on campus during the Fall 2024 semester, the housing application deadline is typically in May 2024.

  • Secure On-Campus Accommodation: Submitting the housing application by the deadline ensures that students have a higher chance of securing on-campus accommodation for the upcoming academic year.
  • Variety of Housing Options: CCNY offers various on-campus housing options, including traditional residence halls, apartments, and suites. Students can choose the type of accommodation that best suits their needs and preferences.
  • Convenient and Supportive Environment: Living on campus provides students with easy access to classes, libraries, dining facilities, and other campus resources. It also fosters a sense of community and belonging, allowing students to connect with their peers and engage in extracurricular activities.
  • Application Process: To apply for on-campus housing, students need to complete an online application form and submit the required documents, such as transcripts and proof of financial resources. They may also need to participate in a housing lottery or selection process.

Applying for on-campus housing early allows students to secure their preferred accommodation type, roommate preferences, and move-in date. It is advisable for students to carefully review the housing application requirements and deadlines to ensure they submit their applications on time.

Financial Aid Deadline: June 2024

The financial aid deadline for the CCNY Fall 2024 semester is typically in June 2024. This deadline applies to various types of financial aid, including grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study programs.

Importance of Meeting the Deadline:

  • Access to Funding: Submitting the financial aid application by the deadline ensures that students are considered for all available financial aid options. This can help them cover the costs of tuition, fees, books, and other educational expenses.
  • Priority Consideration: Students who apply for financial aid early are often given priority consideration. This means they have a higher chance of receiving the aid they need, especially if funds are limited.
  • Streamlined Process: Applying for financial aid on time allows students to avoid any delays or complications in the financial aid process. This ensures that their financial aid is processed and disbursed in a timely manner.
  • Impact on Course Registration: For students receiving financial aid, meeting the deadline is crucial as it may affect their ability to register for classes. Late submission of financial aid applications may result in holds on student accounts, preventing them from registering for courses.

Financial Aid Application Process:

To apply for financial aid, students need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) application. They may also need to submit additional documents, such as tax returns and proof of income. Students can apply for financial aid online or through the CCNY financial aid office.

Meeting the financial aid deadline is essential for students who rely on financial assistance to pursue their education. By submitting their applications on time, students increase their chances of receiving the aid they need to cover their educational expenses and achieve their academic goals.

International Student Orientation: August 2024

CCNY welcomes a diverse community of international students from all over the world. To help these students transition smoothly to life and study in the United States, CCNY organizes an International Student Orientation program.

  • Pre-Arrival Information: Prior to their arrival in New York City, international students receive pre-arrival information and resources to help them prepare for their journey and settle into their new environment.
  • Arrival and Check-In: Upon arrival, international students are greeted by CCNY staff and volunteers who assist them with check-in, housing arrangements, and other logistical matters.
  • Orientation Sessions: The orientation program includes a series of sessions and workshops designed to familiarize international students with CCNY’s academic programs, campus resources, student services, and New York City life.
  • Cultural and Social Activities: The orientation program also incorporates cultural and social activities to help international students connect with each other, make friends, and experience the vibrant cultural landscape of New York City.

The International Student Orientation program is an essential part of CCNY’s commitment to providing a supportive and welcoming environment for its international students. It helps them navigate the transition to a new country and culture, and equips them with the knowledge and resources they need to succeed in their academic and personal journeys.


Welcome to the CCNY Fall 2024 FAQ section!

Here, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you navigate the upcoming academic year. Whether you’re a new or returning student, we aim to provide you with essential information and resources to ensure a successful and fulfilling semester.

Question 1: When does the Fall 2024 semester start?

Answer: The CCNY Fall 2024 semester is scheduled to commence in late August 2024. The exact start date will be available on the official academic calendar closer to the semester’s commencement.

Question 2: How do I register for classes?

Answer: Course registration typically opens in April 2024. You can register for classes through CCNY’s online student portal using your unique login credentials. Be sure to meet with your academic advisor to discuss your course selection and ensure you are on track with your academic plan.

Question 3: What is the deadline to apply for financial aid?

Answer: The financial aid deadline for the Fall 2024 semester is typically in June 2024. Submitting your financial aid application on time is crucial to ensure consideration for various types of financial assistance, including grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study programs.

Question 4: When is the housing application deadline?

Answer: The housing application deadline for on-campus accommodation is typically in May 2024. Applying early increases your chances of securing your preferred housing option and roommate preferences. Check the CCNY housing website for detailed information and instructions.

Question 5: Will there be an international student orientation?

Answer: Yes, CCNY organizes an International Student Orientation program in August 2024. This program is designed to help international students transition smoothly to life and study in the United States. It includes orientation sessions, cultural activities, and opportunities to connect with other international students.

Question 6: Where can I find more information about the Fall 2024 semester?

Answer: The official CCNY website and the Office of the Registrar are excellent resources for detailed information about the Fall 2024 semester. You can find the academic calendar, course offerings, registration instructions, and other important details on these platforms.

We hope this FAQ section has been helpful. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to the CCNY Registrar’s Office or visit the CCNY website for additional information. Best of luck for a successful and enriching Fall 2024 semester!

As you prepare for the upcoming semester, consider exploring the many resources and opportunities available at CCNY. From academic support services to student clubs and organizations, CCNY offers a vibrant and supportive community to help you thrive both inside and outside the classroom.


As you embark on the Fall 2024 semester at CCNY, here are a few practical tips to help you make the most of your academic journey:

Tip 1: Plan Ahead:

Create a study schedule and stick to it. Plan your coursework, assignments, and exams in advance to ensure you have ample time to prepare and avoid last-minute stress.

Tip 2: Utilize Campus Resources:

CCNY offers a range of academic support services, including tutoring, writing centers, and math labs. Take advantage of these resources to enhance your understanding of course material and improve your grades.

Tip 3: Engage with Your Professors:

Attend class regularly, participate in discussions, and don’t hesitate to ask questions during lectures or office hours. Building a rapport with your professors can be beneficial for your learning and overall academic experience.

Tip 4: Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle:

Prioritize your physical and mental well-being. Eat healthy, get regular exercise, and ensure adequate sleep. Taking care of yourself will help you stay focused, energized, and ready to tackle academic challenges.

Remember, success in college is not just about academic achievement; it’s also about personal growth and development. Embrace new experiences, challenge yourself, and make the most of your time at CCNY. We wish you a productive and fulfilling Fall 2024 semester!

As you navigate the upcoming semester, remember that the CCNY community is here to support you. Your professors, academic advisors, and fellow students are valuable resources. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help or guidance when needed.


As the Fall 2024 semester at CCNY approaches, we hope this comprehensive guide has provided you with valuable information and insights to prepare for a successful and fulfilling academic journey.

We highlighted key dates and deadlines, including the semester start, add/drop period, midterm exams, Thanksgiving break, final exams, commencement, and important application deadlines for housing, financial aid, and international student orientation.

Remember, success in college goes beyond academic achievements. It’s about embracing new experiences, challenging yourself, and making the most of the opportunities available at CCNY. Engage with your professors, utilize campus resources, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and seek support from the CCNY community when needed.

We extend a warm welcome to all new and returning students joining the CCNY family in Fall 2024. The CCNY community is vibrant, diverse, and committed to providing you with a transformative educational experience. We look forward to seeing you on campus and supporting you in your academic endeavors.

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