University of Minnesota Academic Calendar 2024-2025

University of Minnesota Academic Calendar 2024-2025

Welcome to the University of Minnesota Academic Calendar for the 2024-2025 year! This comprehensive calendar provides important information about key dates, deadlines, and academic events throughout the upcoming academic year. Whether you’re a new student, a returning student, or a faculty member, this calendar will serve as your essential guide to staying organized and informed throughout the year.

The University of Minnesota is a vibrant and diverse academic community, and we are excited to share all that our campus has to offer in the 2024-2025 academic year. From exciting academic programs and extracurricular activities to renowned research opportunities and cultural events, there’s something for everyone at the University of Minnesota. As you navigate the calendar, you’ll find important information such as:

With this comprehensive calendar in hand, you’ll be well-prepared for a successful academic year at the University of Minnesota. So, mark your calendars, get involved, and make the most of your time at our vibrant and dynamic university.

University Of Minnesota Academic Calendar 2024-25

Navigate your academic year with ease:

  • Fall semester start: August 26, 2024
  • Fall semester end: December 13, 2024
  • Spring semester start: January 13, 2025
  • Spring semester end: May 9, 2025
  • Commencement: May 17, 2025
  • Academic breaks: Fall break, Thanksgiving break, Winter break, Spring break
  • Course registration dates: April 2024, November 2024
  • Tuition due dates: August 2024, January 2025
  • Key academic deadlines: Add/drop deadlines, withdrawal deadlines
  • Campus events: Cultural festivals, sports tournaments, career fairs

Plan ahead and make the most of your time at the University of Minnesota!

Fall semester start: August 26, 2024

Mark your calendars, because the fall semester at the University of Minnesota officially begins on August 26, 2024! This is an exciting time for new and returning students alike, as campus comes alive with energy and anticipation. Whether you’re embarking on your academic journey for the first time or continuing your studies, the fall semester is a fresh start to pursue your educational goals and make lasting memories.

The fall semester typically runs from late August to mid-December, with a brief break for Thanksgiving. During this time, students will engage in a variety of academic activities, including attending lectures, participating in discussions, completing assignments, and taking exams. Outside of the classroom, students can get involved in numerous extracurricular activities, such as student organizations, sports clubs, and cultural events. The fall semester culminates in final exams, which are typically held in early December.

To ensure a smooth start to the fall semester, it’s important to take care of a few key tasks in advance. These include:

  • Register for classes: Course registration typically opens in April for the fall semester. Be sure to check the academic calendar and meet with your academic advisor to select the courses that align with your program requirements and interests.
  • Pay tuition and fees: Tuition and fees are due before the start of each semester. Check the bursar’s office website for specific deadlines and payment options.
  • Move into your housing: If you’re living on campus, you’ll need to move into your residence hall or apartment before the start of the semester. Check with the housing office for move-in dates and procedures.
  • Get your student ID card: Your student ID card is your official identification at the University of Minnesota. It allows you to access campus buildings, use university services, and make purchases at campus dining locations. You can obtain your student ID card at the OneCard office.

The start of the fall semester is an exciting time filled with new beginnings and endless possibilities. Embrace this opportunity to learn, grow, and make the most of your university experience!

Fall semester end: December 13, 2024

The fall semester at the University of Minnesota concludes on December 13, 2024, marking the end of a productive and engaging academic term. As the semester draws to a close, students are busy completing final assignments, studying for exams, and preparing for the winter break.

The last few weeks of the semester are often a time of intense focus and hard work, but it’s also important to take breaks and find ways to manage stress. Utilize campus resources such as the Academic Success Center, Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), and the libraries to support your academic and mental well-being during this busy period.

Here are some key tasks to keep in mind as the fall semester comes to an end:

  • Attend your final exams: Final exams are typically held during the last week of classes and the following week. Make sure to check your course syllabus for the exact dates and times of your exams, and plan your study schedule accordingly.
  • Submit your final assignments: All coursework, including papers, projects, and presentations, should be submitted by the deadlines specified by your instructors. Late submissions may result in penalties or even failing grades.
  • Check your grades: Once final grades are released, you can view them online through your student portal. If you have any questions or concerns about your grades, contact your instructors or the registrar’s office.
  • Prepare for the winter break: The winter break is a well-deserved opportunity to rest, recharge, and spend time with loved ones. Make plans for how you will use your time off, whether it’s traveling, pursuing hobbies, or simply relaxing at home.

The end of the fall semester is a time to celebrate your accomplishments and reflect on your growth. Take some time to appreciate all that you have learned and experienced during the semester, and use this momentum to carry you forward into the spring semester and beyond.

Spring semester start: January 13, 2025

After a refreshing winter break, the spring semester at the University of Minnesota commences on January 13, 2025. This semester offers a new opportunity to delve into academic pursuits, explore new interests, and make progress towards your educational goals.

  • Course registration: Course registration for the spring semester typically opens in November. Be sure to check the academic calendar and meet with your academic advisor to select the courses that align with your program requirements and interests.
  • New beginnings: The spring semester is a great time to start fresh, whether you’re taking on new challenges or continuing your studies in your chosen field. Embrace this opportunity to learn, grow, and make the most of your university experience.
  • Campus events: The spring semester is known for its vibrant campus life. Take advantage of the many events and activities offered, such as cultural festivals, sporting events, concerts, and lectures. These events provide opportunities to connect with fellow students, learn about different cultures, and enjoy all that the university has to offer.
  • Career preparation: For seniors and graduating students, the spring semester is a crucial time to focus on career preparation. Attend career fairs, workshops, and networking events to enhance your skills, explore job opportunities, and make connections that can help you launch your career after graduation.

The spring semester is a time of growth, discovery, and new experiences. Embrace the opportunities that come your way, challenge yourself academically and personally, and make the most of your time at the University of Minnesota.

Spring semester end: May 9, 2025

The spring semester at the University of Minnesota concludes on May 9, 2025, marking the culmination of a productive and engaging academic year. As the semester draws to a close, students are busy completing final projects, studying for exams, and preparing for the summer break.

  • Final exams: Final exams are typically held during the last week of classes and the following week. Make sure to check your course syllabus for the exact dates and times of your exams, and plan your study schedule accordingly.
  • Submit your final assignments: All coursework, including papers, projects, and presentations, should be submitted by the deadlines specified by your instructors. Late submissions may result in penalties or even failing grades.
  • Check your grades: Once final grades are released, you can view them online through your student portal. If you have any questions or concerns about your grades, contact your instructors or the registrar’s office.
  • Commencement: For graduating students, the spring semester culminates in commencement, a ceremony that celebrates their academic achievements and marks their transition from students to alumni. Commencement is a joyous occasion for students, their families, and the entire university community.

The end of the spring semester is a time to reflect on your accomplishments, celebrate your successes, and prepare for the next chapter in your life. Whether you’re graduating or continuing your studies, take some time to appreciate all that you have learned and experienced during the academic year.

Commencement: May 17, 2025

Commencement is the pinnacle of the academic year at the University of Minnesota, a day of celebration and recognition for graduating students and their families. Held on May 17, 2025, this momentous occasion marks the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and perseverance.

  • A grand ceremony: Commencement is a grand ceremony that brings together the entire university community to celebrate the achievements of its graduating students. The ceremony typically takes place at TCF Bank Stadium, a large outdoor stadium on campus, and features speeches by university leaders, faculty members, and student representatives.
  • Honoring academic excellence: During commencement, graduating students are recognized for their academic achievements. Students who have earned honors, such as summa cum laude or magna cum laude, are recognized for their exceptional scholarship. Additionally, outstanding students may receive special awards or scholarships.
  • Celebrating diversity: Commencement is a celebration of the diversity of the University of Minnesota student body. Graduates from all backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life come together to celebrate their accomplishments. The ceremony is a testament to the university’s commitment to inclusivity and global engagement.
  • A new beginning: Commencement is not just an end, but also a new beginning. It marks the transition from student to alumni, and the start of a new chapter in life. Graduates embark on their careers, pursue further education, or make other meaningful contributions to society.

Commencement is a day of joy, pride, and anticipation for graduating students, their families, and the entire University of Minnesota community. It is a celebration of academic achievement, diversity, and the promise of a bright future.

Academic breaks: Fall break, Thanksgiving break, Winter break, Spring break

Throughout the academic year, the University of Minnesota offers several academic breaks to provide students with opportunities for rest, rejuvenation, and travel. These breaks are strategically placed to coincide with major holidays and cultural observances, allowing students to spend time with family and friends, engage in personal pursuits, or simply take a break from their studies.

  • Fall break: Fall break typically occurs in mid-October, providing students with a short respite from classes and a chance to recharge before the busy end-of-semester period. This break is often used for short trips, visiting family, or simply catching up on rest.
  • Thanksgiving break: Thanksgiving break is a week-long break that coincides with the Thanksgiving holiday in late November. This is a popular time for students to travel home and spend time with family. It’s also a good opportunity to catch up on schoolwork or simply relax and enjoy the holiday festivities.
  • Winter break: Winter break is the longest academic break of the year, typically lasting for two weeks between late December and early January. This break provides students with an extended period to rest, travel, or pursue personal interests. Many students use this time to go on vacation, visit family, or work part-time jobs.
  • Spring break: Spring break typically occurs in mid-March, providing students with a much-needed break before the final stretch of the semester. This break is often used for travel, outdoor activities, or simply catching up on schoolwork. Some students also use spring break to participate in service projects or cultural immersion programs.

Academic breaks are an important part of the university experience, allowing students to maintain a healthy balance between their academic and personal lives. These breaks provide opportunities for students to recharge, pursue personal interests, and return to their studies refreshed and ready to succeed.

Course registration dates: April 2024, November 2024

Course registration is a crucial process that allows students to select the courses they will take during the upcoming semester. The University of Minnesota offers two course registration periods each year, one for the fall semester and one for the spring semester.

  • April 2024: Course registration for the fall semester typically opens in April. This is the time for students to meet with their academic advisors, review their degree requirements, and select the courses they need to take. It’s important to register early to ensure that you get the courses you want and need.
  • November 2024: Course registration for the spring semester typically opens in November. The process is similar to fall semester registration, with students meeting with their advisors and selecting their courses. Again, it’s important to register early to avoid any scheduling conflicts or missed opportunities.

Here are some tips for successful course registration:

  • Plan ahead: Review your degree requirements and create a list of the courses you need to take. This will help you make informed decisions during registration.
  • Meet with your academic advisor: Your academic advisor can provide guidance on course selection, degree requirements, and other academic matters. Make an appointment with your advisor well before the registration period begins.
  • Be flexible: Sometimes, your preferred courses may not be available or may conflict with your schedule. Be prepared to adjust your course selections as needed.
  • Register early: Don’t wait until the last minute to register for courses. The earlier you register, the better chance you have of getting the courses you want and need.

Course registration is an important step in the academic journey. By planning ahead, meeting with your advisor, and registering early, you can ensure a smooth and successful registration process.

Tuition due dates: August 2024, January 2025

Tuition and fees are an essential part of covering the costs of your education at the University of Minnesota. It’s important to be aware of the tuition due dates and to make your payments on time to avoid late fees and other penalties.

For the 2024-2025 academic year, the tuition due dates are as follows:

  • Fall semester: August 2024
  • Spring semester: January 2025

You can pay your tuition and fees online through the MyU portal or in person at the Bursar’s Office. The Bursar’s Office also offers a variety of payment plans that can help you spread out your payments over the course of the semester. If you have any questions or concerns about tuition and fees, you can contact the Bursar’s Office for assistance.

Here are some tips for managing your tuition and fees:

  • Budget carefully: Before the start of each semester, create a budget that includes your tuition and fees, as well as other expenses such as housing, food, and transportation. This will help you plan ahead and make sure you have the financial resources you need.
  • Explore financial aid options: The University of Minnesota offers a variety of financial aid options, including scholarships, grants, and loans, to help students cover the cost of their education. Be sure to apply for financial aid early to increase your chances of receiving assistance.
  • Consider a payment plan: If you’re unable to pay your tuition and fees in full by the due date, you can enroll in a payment plan through the Bursar’s Office. This will allow you to spread out your payments over the course of the semester.
  • Make your payments on time: It’s important to make your tuition and fee payments on time to avoid late fees and other penalties. If you’re having trouble making your payments, contact the Bursar’s Office to discuss your options.

By planning ahead and managing your finances wisely, you can ensure that you have the resources you need to succeed at the University of Minnesota.

Key academic deadlines: Add/drop deadlines, withdrawal deadlines

Throughout the academic year, there are several key deadlines that students need to be aware of. These deadlines include add/drop deadlines and withdrawal deadlines. It’s important to meet these deadlines in order to avoid academic penalties and ensure your academic success.

Add/drop deadlines:

  • The add/drop period typically begins a few days before the start of each semester and lasts for about two weeks.
  • During this period, students can add or drop courses without penalty. This is a good time to adjust your schedule if you find that you need to take a different course or if you’re having difficulty with a particular course.
  • After the add/drop deadline, you can still withdraw from a course, but you may be subject to academic penalties, such as a failing grade.

Withdrawal deadlines:

  • The withdrawal deadline is the last day you can withdraw from a course and receive a “W” grade on your transcript.
  • The withdrawal deadline is typically around the middle of the semester.
  • After the withdrawal deadline, you can no longer withdraw from a course and you will receive a failing grade.

It’s important to note that add/drop and withdrawal deadlines may vary depending on the course and the instructor. Be sure to check the course syllabus and the academic calendar for specific deadlines.

If you’re considering adding, dropping, or withdrawing from a course, it’s a good idea to talk to your academic advisor first. They can help you understand the academic implications of your decision and make sure you’re making the best choice for your academic success.

Campus events: Cultural festivals, sports tournaments, career fairs

The University of Minnesota campus is a vibrant and lively place, with a wide variety of events and activities taking place throughout the year. These events provide opportunities for students to engage with the campus community, learn about different cultures, and pursue their interests outside of the classroom.

Cultural festivals:

  • The University of Minnesota is home to a diverse student body, and cultural festivals are a great way to celebrate this diversity.
  • Throughout the year, there are a variety of cultural festivals held on campus, showcasing the traditions, music, and food of different cultures from around the world.
  • These festivals are open to all students and are a great opportunity to learn about different cultures and make new friends.

Sports tournaments:

  • The University of Minnesota is a major sports school, and there are always a variety of sports tournaments taking place on campus.
  • Students can attend these tournaments to cheer on the Golden Gophers or simply enjoy the excitement of the competition.
  • Sports tournaments are also a great way to meet new people and make friends who share your interest in sports.

Career fairs:

  • Career fairs are held on campus throughout the year to connect students with potential employers.
  • These fairs are a great opportunity for students to learn about different career paths, network with professionals, and practice their interviewing skills.
  • Career fairs are also a good place to find part-time jobs, internships, and volunteer opportunities.

These are just a few of the many events and activities that take place on the University of Minnesota campus. By getting involved in campus life, students can enrich their educational experience and make the most of their time at the university.


Do you have questions about the University of Minnesota Academic Calendar for 2024? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Question 1: When does the fall semester start in 2024?
Answer: The fall semester at the University of Minnesota begins on August 26, 2024.

Question 2: When does the spring semester start in 2024?
Answer: The spring semester at the University of Minnesota begins on January 13, 2025.

Question 3: When is commencement in 2024?
Answer: Commencement for the University of Minnesota Class of 2024 will be held on May 17, 2025.

Question 4: When are the academic breaks in 2024?
Answer: The academic breaks for the 2024-2025 academic year are as follows:

  • Fall break: October 14-18, 2024
  • Thanksgiving break: November 21-29, 2024
  • Winter break: December 20, 2024 – January 12, 2025
  • Spring break: March 14-22, 2025

Question 5: When are the course registration dates in 2024?
Answer: Course registration for the fall semester typically opens in April, and course registration for the spring semester typically opens in November.

Question 6: When are the tuition due dates in 2024?
Answer: Tuition due dates for the 2024-2025 academic year are as follows:

  • Fall semester: August 2024
  • Spring semester: January 2025

Question 7: When are the add/drop and withdrawal deadlines in 2024?
Answer: Add/drop and withdrawal deadlines vary depending on the course and instructor. Be sure to check the course syllabus and the academic calendar for specific deadlines.

We hope these answers have been helpful. If you have any other questions about the University of Minnesota Academic Calendar for 2024, please visit the official university website or contact the Office of the Registrar.

In addition to the FAQ section above, here are some tips for making the most of your academic year at the University of Minnesota:


Here are some practical tips to help you make the most of your academic year at the University of Minnesota in 2024:

Tip 1: Get involved on campus. There are hundreds of student organizations and activities to choose from at the University of Minnesota. Getting involved is a great way to meet new people, make friends, and get involved in activities that interest you. It’s also a great way to build your resume and gain valuable experience.

Tip 2: Utilize campus resources. The University of Minnesota offers a wide range of resources to help students succeed academically and personally. These resources include academic advising, tutoring, counseling, and career services. Take advantage of these resources to get the support you need to succeed.

Tip 3: Manage your time wisely. College can be a busy time, so it’s important to learn how to manage your time wisely. Create a schedule that includes time for classes, studying, extracurricular activities, and personal time. Stick to your schedule as much as possible and avoid procrastination.

Tip 4: Take care of your physical and mental health. College can be stressful, so it’s important to take care of your physical and mental health. Make sure to get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and exercise regularly. It’s also important to find healthy ways to manage stress, such as talking to a friend or counselor, or participating in relaxing activities.

By following these tips, you can make the most of your academic year at the University of Minnesota in 2024 and set yourself up for success.

We hope this article has been helpful in providing you with an overview of the University of Minnesota Academic Calendar for 2024-2025. By planning ahead and taking advantage of the resources and opportunities available, you can make the most of your academic year and achieve your goals.


The University of Minnesota Academic Calendar for 2024-2025 is a comprehensive guide to all the important dates and events throughout the academic year. From the start of the fall semester to the excitement of commencement, this calendar provides students with a roadmap to help them plan their academic and extracurricular activities.

In this article, we have highlighted some of the key dates and events to keep in mind for the 2024-2025 academic year, including the start and end dates of each semester, important academic deadlines, and major campus events. We have also included tips for making the most of your time at the University of Minnesota, such as getting involved on campus, utilizing campus resources, and managing your time wisely.

We hope this article has been helpful in providing you with an overview of the University of Minnesota Academic Calendar for 2024-2025. By planning ahead and taking advantage of the resources and opportunities available, you can make the most of your academic year and achieve your goals.

As you embark on this exciting journey, remember to embrace new experiences, challenge yourself academically and personally, and make the most of all that the University of Minnesota has to offer. We wish you a successful and fulfilling academic year in 2024!

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